My research bridges the nonprofit, public, and private sectors in four areas including: employee values, lobbying, collaboration, and board governance. In this effort, I explore the similarities and differences of employee values of individuals working in for-profit social enterprises, local government, and nonprofit organizations. I also examine the impacts of government regulations on nonprofit lobbying expenditures and the nonprofit sector’s role in public policymaking. In the area of collaboration, I develop new typologies and frameworks that explain how the public, nonprofit, and private sectors work together to address social and environmental issues. I also explore individual motivations to serve on nonprofit boards of directors.   

Recently, I’ve taken on a new research agenda as the Director of the State of the Rockies Project. For this project, I’m working with a collaborator to explore the economic and environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing and the social movements, policy debates, and political battles in the Rocky Mountain West on how to best regulate hydraulic fracturing.

Please click on the buttons below to learn more about my academic publications, works under review and in-progress, and conference presentations.